Dustin Bird started his country music career at just 15 years old. Back then, he used to play small local venues, today, his track record includes performing on some of the largest stages alongside some of the biggest names in the country music industry.
We had a chance to catch up with Dustin and talk about his Unscripted album, his hit single “Get Go” and all things country …
Tell us a bit about Dustin Bird from Stirling, ON. What inspired you to take a chance and pursue a career in music, particularly country music?
I grew up on this stuff! Country music is ingrained in who I am, so the decision to pursue it as a career was one that felt inevitable from an early age.
You’ve said your song “Get Go” (which has gained a lot of attention on major music platforms including Apple) is about the person you have yet to meet. Do you still believe that person is out there for you?
I do believe that, and I believe that to be true for everyone who’s yet to find their person. The reality is that these Get Go moments can happen with anyone, anytime, anywhere. With this idea out in the world, I’m just staying open to those new connections.
What is the story behind co-writing for the new Hunter Brothers holiday tune ‘What I See”?
What I See began live as a love song, and as I dug deeper into the lyric, it became apparent that it was a love story set around this magical time of year. Having been fortunate enough to get to know Ty & his brothers over this past year, I knew it was an idea for them before I’d even finished the demo. I sent Ty a clip of the tune and it resonated immediately. They did what they do to make it shine and come to life in their own collective voice, and just like that we had us a holiday smash!
If you could write a Christmas track with any other artist who would it be and why?
Micheal Bublé. Because of course! He’s become the king of Christmas music.
Your music has been widely popular in Australia. What made you decide to market to this part of the world in particular?
My one goal as an artist is to form real connections with people. When my team and I were having a “what’s next?” conversation back in 2020, it wasn’t even a question of whether or not to release in Australia. It was obvious – a country full of amazing country fans ready for new music? YES. I am so grateful for every single person who has streamed my music, put it on air, and simply taken the time to listen and connect. I can’t wait to get over there!
This summer you were the opening act for a few of Tim Hicks’ shows during his
Campfire Troubadour’ Tour. What is the biggest takeaway from that experience and will there be a collaboration between the two of you again in the near future?
There’s always the potential for a collab! I have so much respect and appreciation for Tim, he is what Canadian country music is all about. Watching him do his thing night after night was such a privilege and has definitely made me a better performer. As a long time fan of his music, and now a label mate and friend, I’m honoured to have had this experience and am so excited to see what the future holds!
Aside from Tim Hicks you’ve also toured with Tyler Shaw, The Washboard Union, and Jess Moskaluke. If you could tour with any artist in any music genre, who would it be and why?
For me, live music is about creating an experience. That’s what Tim does, it’s what Garth is most famous for, and there are countless other amazing, inspiring, and uber talented acts who I would be so proud to open for. Whoever I am lucky enough to share a tour with I see as an opportunity to create a unique and connective experience for fans.
In the early summer 2021 you released “It Ain’t Me” which was a new mix of the original and included in your Unscripted album. Why did you choose to remix this song in particular? Can fans expect other remixes?
It Ain’t Me has lived multiple lives. It started life as a demo – closest to the latest mic oddly enough – and blossomed from there. Initially, I decided to cut it live off the floor along with Rolling Stone and Every Little Town. We recorded it and shot the video, but I just wasn’t satisfied. I felt it needed more. So when the conversation around the Unscripted album began, I said “why don’t we put one more on there, what about a studio mix of It Ain’t Me?” The team was down, and I had about 10 days to do it. It made it onto the album, but it was definitely an addition out of left field. Granted, the album is called “Unscripted” for a reason, and part of that reason is that sonically it’s pretty unscripted. When it came to the remix, it did kind of the opposite of what you might normally consider a remix to do. I wanted to bring some of that live energy back into it within this larger, fuller sonic context. It felt great! Coming off of Broke & Lonely, it felt like we were able to show a different, lighter side of me.
Unscripted has done amazing so far and it’s impressive that you’ve written and produced all but one song on the album. Why did you choose to break the pattern with this one track and how did Tyler Shaw, Dave Thompson and Jeff Dalziel get in on it? Will you be teaming up with them again?
Best song wins. Simple. That’s my philosophy on all of this. I don’t care if I wrote it, you wrote it, or the dog barked it. If it’s cool, it’s cool. That single came at a time when I had just released my very first single and up until that point, I hadn’t done a ton of collaborating in country music. I liked where Jeff’s work was at sonically, and that song really resonated with me in the moment. The stars aligned and we put that song out and it held on to become the title that would describe the record as a whole.
What can fans expect from Dustin Bird in 2022?
More of my face but in person. Lol. I am so excited to go into this new chapter with all of you! There will be more live shows and events that I guarantee will be the best you’ve seen from me, and new music that I guarantee will be the best you’ve heard from me. I’ve been working nonstop and am loving every second of it with no plans on slowing down.
Do you have any advice for artists who are just starting out in the country music scene?
Stay true to you. It sounds cliché but it’s the most important thing you can do. If country music resonates with you as a creator, great! So what about it speaks to you and what about you do you want to share with the world through this medium? Figure that out and you’ll be miles ahead.
Visit https://www.dustinbirdmusic.com/ for up to date information or follow him on:
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